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Sex, Answered. Blog Posts

In our blog, we summarize the latest research and resources on relieving sexual pain, anxiety, and arousal issues to help you understand and move your treatment forward.

You’ll also find sexual health resources and exercises tailored specifically to people like you so that you can navigate sexuality and intimacy with confidence and support.

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Maximize Your Potential by Working With an MFT

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | July 29, 2024

What is an MFT and how can they help you?  An MFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. They are specially qualified to help you work through challenges in your life. And more specifically, they can help you find more fulfillment in your relationship(s). Or maybe you have a…

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Partners feet lying together on a sheet with hearts

4 Surprising Ways Vaginismus Impacts More Than Just Your Sex Life

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | July 22, 2024

How Vaginismus Affects Your Mental Health What does vaginismus have to do with your mental health? Everything. Many patients experience a wide range of negative emotions, from fear and anxiety to struggles with self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s kind of a chicken or the egg situation… which came first? The painful…

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Women looking to the sky

3 Benefits of Having a Trauma-Informed Therapist on Your Team

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | July 12, 2024

What is “Trauma-Informed” therapy for pelvic pain or sexual issues? Many people just like you suffer long-term effects from chronic pelvic pain or sexual challenges (“dysfunctions”), which can actually be considered a “trauma.” While each person’s story is unique, the body response is very similar to someone who has PTSD. …

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You Need These Effective Ways to Manage Pain Naturally

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | June 18, 2024

How do you manage pain with self-efficacy? What is self-efficacy? It’s basically the belief that you can do something and do it well. It’s also the confidence to rely on yourself to get things done. According to Albert Banera at Stanford University, our beliefs about self-efficacy affect how we feel,…

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3 Must Have Components for Your Pelvic Pain Treatment Plan

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | June 18, 2024

Your pelvic pain journey is unique. No two pain warriors have the same experience. So why would there be a one-size-fits-all solution? Spoiler alert… there isn’t. You need an individualized pelvic pain treatment plan. Yep, custom all the way and specially designed just for you. That being said, there are…

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Why Does Sex Hurt? 4 Root Causes + A Few Silver Bullets

By Kayna Cassard, MA, LMFT, Sex Therapist, Painful Sex Specialist | June 18, 2024

If you’re experiencing painful sex, you may feel alone, like you’re the only one. It’s actually pretty common. In fact, 3 out of 4 women/vulva owners will have painful sex at some point in their lives. The good news for most vulva owners is that it isn’t long-term and quickly…

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Soothing Intimate Pain:
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